Roger Stone unbound, ungagged: Mueller prosecutors 'satanic'

You were expecting the perpetual bad boy of GOP politics would emerge from his long ordeal at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors chastened, housebroken, mellowed? Fat chance.

Published: July 15, 2020 4:28pm

Updated: July 16, 2020 7:29am

Newly delivered by President Trump, with just days to spare, from the 40-month prison sentence that had been looming before him, Roger Stone is wearing a t-shirt blaring the words, "Roger Stone Still Did Nothing Wrong." 

You were expecting the perpetual bad boy of GOP politics would emerge from his long ordeal at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors chastened, housebroken, mellowed?

Fat chance.

"I can guarantee you, I don't intend to become boring" says Stone.

"I really do believe that those who are trying to undo this president, those who are trying to destroy me, trying to destroy Michael Flynn — who's a very good man and great American patriot war hero — I do believe they're satanic," Stone tells Just The News in a podcast interview for The Pod’s Honest Truth. “I don't believe that any of these people involved in my prosecution are really believers in God." 

Stone’s recent biblical talk is no surprise, given his decision earlier this year to follow Jesus. After a rough 2019 that saw him convicted of lying to Congress and obstructing a congressional investigation into the now-debunked Trump-Russian collusion narrative, Stone drew closer to God. Now, President Trump has commuted his sentence, and it has freed Stone to speak out against a prosecution team he believes was stacked against him from the start. 

"The prosecutors in my view were not honest," Stone says. "I think they were politically motivated. They wanted me to lie, to bear false witness against the president in return for some kind of leniency … I know of no illegal or inappropriate actions by the president whatsoever. They went through every email, every text message, and every phone call. There is no evidence to the contrary."

Stone details his long bill of alleged prosecutorial abuses in a recent opinion piece. Speaking to Just the News, Stone specifically pointed to a very unusual request by the prosecution. "The prosecutors in the case made a motion before the court that I could not raise the misconduct of the Office of Special Counsel, or the Department of Justice, or the FBI, or any member of Congress in my defense," says Stone. "Now, firstly, that's unconstitutional … but if you think about it for a moment, why would the prosecution even make such a motion, if there was no misconduct for me to raise?"

Just The News reached out to former members of the special counsel's office for a response, but a spokesman declined to comment. 

Roger Stone would be the first one to admit that at this point the old Roger would be thirsting to settle scores with his persecutors. But with a nod to his newfound faith, he’s now leaving it in more capable hands. 

"In the old days, I would have wanted revenge, I would have wanted to take revenge against every one of them," Stone says. “But now I realize that vengeance is God's; it's not mine … they will get their just due. They will get it from a vengeful God … He knows who the bad guys are. I don't have to worry about it anymore because it's in His hands."

Social media giants Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have their own ideas about who the bad guys are — and all three have kicked Stone off their platforms. Stone says he has business and defamation lawyers looking at legal options to get back on. For now, he seems satisfied with Parler, a social media app that is growing more popular with conservatives who suspect the aforementioned sites of selectively censoring conservative user content. 

As for his future, Stone says he’s still mulling whether he’ll appeal his guilty verdict. He admits that it would be a gamble, considering he believes he didn’t get a fair trial the first time around — and anything could happen in a retrial.

For now, Stone is just glad he's not going to prison. At 67 years old and with a history of asthma, walking into a jail in the middle of the COVID-19 epidemic could have been a death sentence. He is grateful to the president who spared him.

"He saved my life, I have no doubt about that," Stone says. "He didn't have to do this. This is costing him money. He's subject to ridicule and abuse every single day." 

It's good to have friends in high places, whether in the Oval Office or ... higher.

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