Supreme Court declines to hear Trump administration challenge on California 'sanctuary city' law

The case was filed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Published: June 15, 2020 12:42pm

Updated: June 15, 2020 12:50pm

The Supreme Court declined Monday to hear a Trump administration challenge to one of California’s so-called “sanctuary city” laws that limits cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents. 

The 7-2 decision leaves in place a lower court opinion challenged early in the administration by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 

Conservative-leaning Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. were the only two on the high court who voted in favor of hearing the challenge. 

The administration argues such laws hurt federal agents’ ability to find illegal immigrants charged with crimes. The laws have been enacted in hundreds of liberal-leaning states and municipalities across the country – pitting federal powers against states rights. 


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