Supreme Court will hear oral arguments by telephone

The court will hear 10 cases over the course of six days next month

Published: April 13, 2020 10:22am

Updated: April 13, 2020 10:39am

The Supreme Court announced Monday that starting in May the justices will begin hearing oral arguments by teleconference. Slated in the line-up of cases that will be argued remotely is the hotly contested suit related to the release of President Trump's financial records.

The president has fought to avoid disclosing any of his financial records or tax returns. 

The decision to teleconference oral arguments is a significant one for the high court, which has historically been resistant to technological interference in the chamber, generally implementing only basic forms of tech. 

The media will have access to live audio feeds of the arguments. 

The case involving Trump's immunity pertaining to congressional oversight was initially expected to be ruled on by July, it is unclear, given the new schedule, what the timeline for the court's decision will be. 

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