Wisconsin pro-life group hit by Molotov cocktails as abortion rights protests turn violent

The attack was condemned by the police department and the governor.

Published: May 8, 2022 7:44pm

Updated: May 8, 2022 8:50pm

Law enforcement in Wisconsin opened an arson investigation Sunday after a non-profit pro-life group in Madison said its office was attacked by a "leftist anarchist group."

Wisconsin Family Action said in a press release that the extremist group attacked its offices in Madison, "throwing two Molotov cocktails into the office, after breaking windows, and then proceeded to light a fire."

Graffiti was left on the building, including messages such as "If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either."

Anarchy 1312 claimed responsibility for the attack by spray painting its logo on the building as well, Wisconsin Family Action stated.

"Apparently, the tolerance that the left demands is truly a one-way street. Violence has become their answer to everything. This is what happens when leadership is missing or when leadership implies that violence is ok," Wisconsin Family Action president Julaine Appling said.

The attack comes after a leaked Supreme Court majority opinion signaled the justices will overturn Roe v. Wade.

Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wis.) tweeted that he condemns "violence and hatred in all forms," but stressed the importance of working to ensure Roe remains.

Appling criticized Evers' statement. 

"Governor Evers’s response to today’s incident said nothing about demanding a full investigation and criminal prosecution. He just told his supporters he’d keep supporting abortion," she said.

The pro-life organization is stronger than ever now, Appling said.

"But this attack fails to frighten us, and instead steels the resolve of law-abiding, common-sense, every-day folks to stand up and push back. We know today it is Wisconsin Family Action getting Molotov cocktails tossed through broken windows and fires ignited, but tomorrow it could be anyone in our state or another state who is attacked because we disagree with a policy or action, give voice to the voiceless, or stand up for what’s right," she said.

"Americans see through the hypocrisy of the left. The violence needs to stop and stop now. It’s not the answer to any question or any problem. Just because the liberals don’t get their way, doesn’t give them license to threaten bodily harm or to burn and destroy," Appling concluded.

Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes responded to the incident by saying that the department "understands members of our community are feeling deep emotions due to the recent news involving the United States Supreme Court."

Law enforcement officials are working with federal partners and the Madison Fire Department to investigate.

The department said it supports free speech, but "any acts of violence, including the destruction of property, do not aid in any cause."

Thousands have protested across the nation in support of abortion since the document's leak. Activists targeted the homes of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts on Saturday.

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