Virginia school board rejects state's new transgender student policy guidance

Members also voted down critical race theory curriculum.

Published: July 17, 2021 11:59am

Updated: July 17, 2021 11:34pm

The members of a Virginia school board voted unanimously this week to reject transgender student policy guidance from the state's centralized Department of Education. 

The state DOE issued guidance earlier this year directing schools to develop student-treatment policies in line with prevailing transgender orthodoxy, including allowing students to use bathrooms of the opposite sex as well as the general elimination of "gender-based practices."

The school board of Russell County, located in extreme southwest Virginia, on Friday voted unanimously to reject the department's guidance, essentially vowing not to implement the policy guidance drafted by the state.

"I was elected by the people of this community, and I intend to stand up to protect every kid and do the will of the people of Russell County — and not that of an overreaching state government," board member Bob Gibson told local media on the decision.

The school board also voted against teaching critical race theory in county schools.

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