Navy SEAL-turned-congressman reveals two errors alleged Trump assassin made that a pro wouldn’t have

Crane said that the U.S. is setting a dangerous precedent regarding security and that the former president of the United States was almost killed twice.

Published: September 17, 2024 6:24pm

Former Navy SEAL and current Congressman Eli Crane, R-Ariz., said that the alleged assassin who tried to kill former President Donald Trump made two mistakes that a professional would not have made when carrying out an assassination. 

"A couple things that I observed when looking at some of the photos released to the public from the site at which Mr. [Ryan] Routh planned to assassinate President Trump.... snipers in the military would call that an FFP: a final firing position," Crane said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. 

"One of the things that I noticed about observing his final firing position was that he did not cut a hole in the chain link fence to make sure that the path of his bullet wasn't deflected by the chain," Crane continued. "That's a pretty common move from a trained shooter to do something like that."

Over the weekend there was a second assassination attempt against Trump while he was at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. The suspect, Ryan Routh, is in custody. The first attempt was in July during a rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania. 

"One of the other things I noticed is by hanging those rectangular plates, the ceramic plates that probably he was helping to use to stop incoming fire once he engaged the president, he created, definitely something that would be picked up by any visual observer," Crane continued. "When you're a sniper [and] when you're trying to conduct something like that, you don't want anything on your body or anything around you to look outside of the normal habitat."

Crane said that the security issues are setting a dangerous precedent for the U.S.

"We're sending a signal to the rest of the world and even individuals within our own country who hate President Trump that these guys without any training and experience are getting very close [to killing Trump]," Crane said. "And that's a very dangerous precedent and a very dangerous signal that we are sending to the enemies of President Trump."

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