Ex-Army Ranger slams generals' 'wokeness,’ warns of new wave of terror after Afghan exit

Blue big cities are most vulnerable, so "move your families to places that are willing to defend you," Dr. Tony Brooks says.

Published: August 30, 2021 2:13pm

Updated: August 30, 2021 10:51pm

An ex-Army Ranger who fought in Afghanistan before becoming a successful doctor blames the bungled exit from the war on generals more interested in "wokeness" than in military strategy and warns America is facing the threat of a new wave of terrorism.

"I don't think it's a possibility — I think it's an absolute guarantee," Dr. Tony Brooks told Just the News in an interview Monday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "I think it's time to recognize that and protect ourselves at home, move your families to places that are willing to defend you."

"I myself, have moved my family from the West Coast to Texas," added Brooks, who served as an Army Ranger specialist in Afghanistan and Iraq before opening a successful chiropractic medicine practice. "And we did that for security reasons."

The warnings about new terror from Brooks mirror those offered in classified briefings to U.S. senators by Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as Homeland Security bulletins issued in the waning days of the Afghan war exit.

They cautioned that Afghanistan could be used as a launch paid for terror attacks against America within two years and that Taliban, ISIS and Al-Qaeda elements released in the Afghan chaos could penetrate American targets or use disillusioned and radicalized people already on U.S. soil to carry out attacks.

Brooks said liberal metropolitan areas that have cut funding for police and security and limit citizens' access to guns are prime soft targets.

"They're going to hit us where we're weak," he said. "And we're weak in our big cities on the West Coast."

Brooks, who wrote a best-selling book entitled "Leave No Man Behind," has been working with private groups to rescue Afghan allies before the Taliban complete their takeover of the country. He blamed the bungled exit playing out on television on a current generation of generals he says were more interested in culture warfare than military warfare.

"It's a generation of wokeness," he said. "What can I say? I mean, you look at the majority of the top leadership, and they are not the cream of the crop, like they used to be. General Petraeus was one of them. General Stanley McChrystal was one.

"I know a few others that are currently serving that are amazing generals, I won't name them, but they are, you know, kind of being held in positions where they can't do much."

Failed strategic leadership was evident in the American surrender of the strategic Bagram Air Base in July before evacuations were complete, said Brooks, calling it the "specific moment where you knew it was going to go bad."

"We couldn't launch any of our drones, and they knew it,” Brooks said of the Taliban. "So when we left Bagram Airfield, which is the most strategic airbase in the entire country, they knew exactly what they could do. They knew that was the moment that it all went down. Leaving Bagram Airfield, we couldn't launch any of our drones, and they knew it."

But Brooks said the seeds of failure in the Afghan War were sown much earlier by generals who tried to use force to export democracy to a country with a population that often seemed not to want it.

"I think we tried to nation-build with the war," he said. "And we we know through history, that that doesn't work. You don't nation-build through war. War is for eliminating enemy. And we failed."

He added: "The military didn't fail. It was the plan that failed."

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