Hobbs proposes to issue $40 million in scholarships 'regardless of immigration status'

Program comes after recent voter authorization of illegal immigrant scholarships.

Published: January 12, 2023 2:54pm

Updated: January 12, 2023 3:02pm

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs this week indicated that she would be moving to route tens of millions of dollars in state funding to scholarships for illegal immigrants after securing re-election in November. 

In her inaugural address this week, Hobbs said that as governor she will work to "create the Promise for DREAMers Scholarship Program to cover all students, regardless of immigration status, who attend a public university."

Specifically, Hobbs said her budget "allocates $40 million to create the Promise for DREAMers Scholarship Program to cover all students, regardless of immigration status."

The governor said this proposal was "in line with the will of Arizona’s voters in passing Proposition 308 this past November." 

Proposition 308 as passed "allow[s] Arizona students, regardless of immigration status, to be eligible for financial aid at state universities and community colleges and in-state tuition if they graduated from and attended a public or private high school, or home school equivalent, for two years in Arizona"

Arizona is host to nearly 275,000 illegal immigrants, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

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