Virginia Democrats concede control of House of Delegates, completing GOP election sweep

Republicans swept statewide offices, flipped house

Published: November 6, 2021 10:24am

Updated: November 6, 2021 2:43pm

Democrats in the Virginia House of Delegates conceded control of the chamber to Republicans several days after the state's off-season elections saw massive Republican gains in the state. 

Democratic Del. Eileen Filler-Corn publicly announced the transfer following the concession of Democratic Del. Martha Mugler in a hotly contested race in the state's Hampton Roads region. 

“While the results of the election were not in our favor, our work for the people of Virginia goes on,” Filler-Corn said in a statement. 

Democrats over the past two years had wielded majorities in the state House and Senate, as well as control of the state's governorship, to pass a large package of progressive policies, including marijuana decriminalization and gun control. 

Republicans also took control of both the governor's chair as well as those of the lieutenant governor and state attorney general.

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