Biden to nominate first female Army secretary, former Defense policy official Wormuth

"She will lead our soldiers and represent their families with honor and integrity," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.

Published: April 13, 2021 9:15am

Updated: April 13, 2021 10:29am

President Biden plans to nominate former top Defense Department policy official Christine Wormuth to be the first female Army secretary.

The White House on Monday announced the decision.

Wormuth was a top department policy official in the Obama administration and helped develop its counter-ISIS campaign and has expertise on China, Iran, North Korea and Russia," according to Politico

"Christine is a true patriot with a dedicated career in service to America and our nation’s security," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement. "I have no doubt that, if confirmed, she will lead our soldiers and represent their families with honor and integrity as the secretary of the Army."

Wormuth has previously served as the senior director for defense policy on the National Security Council and in 2009 as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for Homeland Defense and Civil Support, also according to Politico.

Wormuth is now a policy director at the RAND Corporation. She is also an adjunct professor in Georgetown University’s graduate program in security studies, according to the White House's statement.

Biden earlier this week also announced Christy Abizaid for director of National Counterterrorism Center at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Chris Inglis for National Cyber director in the Executive Office of the President.

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