Michele Bachmann warns Biden maneuvering to cede US health prerogatives to World Health Organization

Former presidential candidate and Tea Party star says administration move would diminish American sovereignty if allowed to go through.

Published: May 12, 2022 7:44pm

Updated: May 12, 2022 11:43pm

Former presidential candidate and Tea Party star Michele Bachmann is warning that the Biden administration is stealthily maneuvering to cede U.S. health care sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization and "create a platform for global governance."

The Biden administration will propose amendments to the International Health Regulations treaty via the World Health Assembly when the WHO's international policy-setting forum convenes May 22 to 28. 

Bachmann told "Just the News, Not Noise" on Thursday the Biden proposal "would effectively cede United States sovereign authority over our health care decisions to the World Health Organization director general," a position currently held by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. 

Tedros "made almost every possible wrong call that he could make during the pandemic," said Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and a former Republican member of Congress from Minnesota.

Tedros publically praised China for its early response to COVID. The WHO director general has been accused of being "bought" by China, and in May 2020, then-President Donald Trump wrote a letter to Tedros sharply rebuking his organization's "alarming lack of independence from China."

The Department of Health and Human Services will only hear public comment on the amendments Friday, May 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Bachmann explained, but it is currently accepting written comments on the issue via email.

Bachmann said she has "requested to be able to speak before this committee, [and] I submitted written objections to these amendments."

Bachmann told show cohosts John Solomon and Amanda Head that the United States should not only pull out of the World Health Assembly and WHO but also leave the United Nations.

"As bad as [Dr. Anthony] Fauci and [Dr. Rochelle] Walensky were with their authoritarian decisions at the CDC and NIH, now their authority would be given to the World Health Organization," Bachmann warned.

"I'm urging your entire audience to send an avalanche of 'No way, no how, we don't want these Biden amendments over our health care,'" Bachmann said. "We have to shame the Biden administration into not giving away America's authority over health care to the WHO and not creating a platform for global governance through the WHO."

"This level of authoritarian decision making that we've lived with for for almost three years would now be given over to the director of the WHO," the former lawmaker said. "So we would lose ... effectively representative democracy in America over one of the biggest issues there is, health care, that would be ceded to the Director General of the WHO Tedros. That's why this is so important."

Bachmann said she has contacted attorneys in an attempt to stop the United States from yielding national authority to the global health organization.

"There hasn't been sufficient transparency," Bachmann said. "We cannot cede U.S. sovereignty over health care to the U.N. We can't do this. We have to stop it."

Concerned citizens should contact their members of Congress, Bachmann said.

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