Virginia library opens 'Drag Queen Story Hour' to preschoolers, 'babies and toddlers'

"All ages" invited to LGBQT-themed read-along.

Published: June 25, 2021 6:15pm

Updated: June 25, 2021 6:31pm

A library in Virginia is drawing heat for opening up a controversial "Drag Queen Story Hour" to children as young as infants. 

The Dolley Madison Library in Fairfax is inviting children of "all ages" to attend its "Drag Storybook Hour." Such events, which have become popular around the country in recent years, feature men dressed up as outrageous caricatures of women reading storybooks to children; the theme is a sendup to "drag" culture popular among LGBTQ communities for years. 

The library says the event is open to "babies and toddlers," "preschoolers" and "school age children." 

The Fairfax Republican Party singled out the event for criticism on Friday, tweeting out the event's description and calling it "outrageous."

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