Bauer and Rose: Joe Biden -- Helping the Mostly Peaceful Neo-Nazi Islamists defacing our flag and our campuses


On this episode, join Gary Bauer and Tom Rose as they delve into the unfolding geopolitical tension and the battle for the soul of Western civilization.

Also, Gary and Tom discuss the Biden administration's strategy in the Middle East. The conversation then takes a sharp turn into the ideological battlegrounds of American university campuses, where they expose the rise of anti-Semitism and the toxic alliance of neo-Marxists and radical Islamists.

Later, Tom and Gary uncover the alarming indoctrination within elite educational institutions and the administration's extreme measures to protect radical ideologies. They also highlight the courageous counter-revolution led by students, defending the American flag and national pride against the onslaught of anti-Israel and anti-American demonstrations.

Finally, Gary and Tom lambast the constant legal pursuit of former President Donald Trump, questioning the integrity of the judicial process and its potential impact on the upcoming election. Bauer and Rose's fiery discourse is a clarion call to action, urging Americans to stand firm against the forces threatening the nation's core values and security.

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