NRB President: Biden posing Judeo-Christian beliefs as dangers to democracy 'concerning,' wake-up call to Church

A Christian church

Troy Miller, President and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters, discusses the shockwaves that President Biden’s, now famous ‘red-wall speech,’ sent to the Christian community. Miller says it is "very concerning as you look at a President that ran on a platform that he was going to bring unity to this nation and bring people together and then he gets up and he makes one of probably, the most divisive speeches that's ever been made by a president and he directly calls out, in my opinion, people of faith.” Miller points to Biden discussing the “country going backwards,” saying that the area the President was talking about "were really areas that are foundations of the Christian faith,” saying Biden "talked about going backwards in the family, the whole LGBTQ side, he talked about the pro-life movement with the recent Dobbs case, about going backwards in gender identity, and that was really targeted to Christians, those are values that Christians bring to the conservative movement.” Saying, these are not economic or socially conservative values, these "are moral values that the Judeo-Christian beliefs bring.” Miller states, whether Biden "was calling out Trump voters, MAGA voters or not, he was calling out a large group of this country and saying, you're taking the country backwards and you're the most dangerous thing to democracy." 

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