Ahead of election letdowns, ex-EU ambassador said January 6 ‘red line’ for Trump running in 2024


Former Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, talks about Trump 2024, the failures of the EU and the United States leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and his new book, ‘The Envoy: Mastering the Art of Diplomacy with Trump and the World.’ Ambassador Sondland comments, he “hopes [Trump] doesn’t” run in 2024, saying there “are excellent candidates that can carry those policies forward.” His reasoning being, that, “January 6, was a red line. I could take the good, the bad, and the ugly from the day he came down the escalator until January 6, there are a lot of incredibly important things that President Trump did. There were also some very destructive things he did. But it's like any relationship, you roll with the punches. I did not think anything that he had done while I served, merited my resignation. In other words, even if I didn't support what he said, or did, I saluted smartly, and was a good sort of company soldier, because again, I didn't think it rose to the point where I was prepared to resign over it.” Sondland comments that, “the January 6 thing was different, because the transfer of power, the peaceful transfer of power, for America is critical. It's absolutely critical. That's what we do. That's our brand, and for the world to see what happened on January 6, and the events leading up to it in the events following it, I think, really damaged us. Maybe not irreparably, but certainly for a long time. The Ambassador, who served in the Trump administration, comments that while Trump was a great President, he should become “an elder statesman, a kingmaker, and let one of the 5,6,7 really great candidates out there, advance, move forward and take a lot of the good things he did, and then employ those as the new policies in 2024. I think the country would be better served.”

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