Amid impeachment vote, Seamus Bruner points out then-VP Biden’s odd involvement in firing of Ukraine Prosector Shokin

Hunter Biden with father Joe Biden

On the heels of Congress’s announcement that a formal impeachment inquire vote will happen on the House Floor this week. Seamus Bruner, Author of ‘Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’ takes a look back at Joe Biden’s actions towards now-confirmed video evidence confirming then-Vice President Joe Biden using his authority to threaten to withhold billions from Ukraine unless Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired. Bruner comments, “we've never seen a Vice President go out and leverage U.S. taxpayer money to get a prosecutor general fired in some faraway region like Ukraine,” Saying, “I mean that’s just odd in and of itself.” Additional interviews with Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey on the ‘Founding Fathers never envisioned a fourth branch of government’ being created by ‘deep state’ federal agencies, and Dr. Miklos Szantho, CPAC Hungary Organizer and Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, discusses Hungary’s strong conservative foundation.

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