Best of 2022: Many GOP House promises were made but can the new Congress deliver?

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell


This episode looks at the new incoming Republican House leaders and the campaign promises they made to voters. First flashback is to August 2nd with Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol under President Trump, discussing the Border neglect and the Biden administration “not only jeopardizing health, safety, national security” with its free for all, open border policy but is “lying to the American people about it.” Morgan says, that this administration is "the least transparent White House administration that I've ever been affiliated with in 35 years of serving this country." Republicans have promised to close and secure the Southern border and hold those accountable for the neglect accountable. Second flashback is to October 14th, with Virginia Congressman Ben Cline calling for incoming GOP majority to privatizing “part or all of the Postal Service” after years of neglect and mismanagement, "the Postal Service, just like several other federal agencies, is an inefficient bureaucracy that can't innovate and keep up with the times. And rather than just continue to reward them with more and bigger budgets. Time “to start demanding results,” and “incentivize these bureaucrats to actually cut costs.” Commenting, “And I think that a Republican, a new Republican majority has just the opportunity to explore those options.”

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