Cammack: Biden has dragged feet on COVID origins, now Americans will force him ‘to act’ against China

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shake hands with U.S Vice President Joe Biden (L) inside the Great Hall of the People on December 4, 2013 in Beijing, China.

Rep. Kat Cammack says President Biden is “dragging his feet” on the release of the documents concerning the original of COVID-19 because American’s will be so outraged and will force him to take action against China. The Florida Congresswoman says that, the vote by the House and the Senate last week to declassify the COVID origins documents, “was an incredible display of bipartisanship, in which [all Congress] recognized that the general public, the American people deserve to know exactly what [Congress] has known for so long, that this was actually from a lab and not some bat kissing a pangolin.” She says, that after all the horrific consequences that resulted from COVID-19, “the very least that this administration could do is share the foundation of this virus with the United States and quite frankly, the world. But yet we see that [Biden’s dragging his feet on this.” Cammack comments, that the only reason that she and other members of Congress can think of, “is that if [Biden] is forced to show people what we all know, then he is going to be forced to act, because people will be so outraged to know truly the origins of COVID and then it will be upon him to take action against China. Which for someone in his position who is bought and paid for, his family is bought and paid for by the Chinese, that is a problem for him personally. So this is Joe Biden putting his personal interest above the country.”

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