Chinese balloon episode is this generation’s ‘Sputnik’ moment says former top national security adviser

Chinese J-20 jets in formation, Nov. 2016

Victoria Coates discusses awakening America, the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon over the weekend, and why it will be this generation’s “Sputnik” moment. The former Trump deputy national security adviser comments that “this weekend is the moment when the threat from communist China literally came home, came to the United States, the American people can be excused for sort of seeing this as an abstract. In the past, particularly because a lot of China's own efforts to appear benign, everything from the panda bears at the National Zoo to the Confucius Academies in our schools, they tried to seem benign, but when the good people of Montana looked up and said, ‘that's no moon,’ and then demanded to know what the heck is that thing? Literally, Americans are watching in real time as their sovereignty is being invaded by something the size of three Greyhound buses loaded with surveillance equipment. The good news is, I think the wake up moment has has worked, we have awakened and I think it's late in the game, but there's still time for the United States to reposture itself onto almost a Cold War type footing after Sputnik and really confront this for the intolerable threat that it is.”

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