Ex-CIA operative Ric Prado: Hunter Biden intel letter ‘professionally unethical,’ also goes against CIA no politics motto

Hunter Biden, White House, April 18, 2022

Former CIA Operative Ric Prado discusses his new book, ‘Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior’ and the recent reports of the politicalization of the CIA. Prado discusses the ‘major heartburn’ he feels towards the, now disproven, letter sent before the 2020 election from 51 senior intelligence officials calling reports of the Hunter Biden laptop, Russian disinformation. Prado comments, that actions like this are “professionally unethical,” and goes against the CIA’s longstanding policy and motto of being apolitical. Prado says this is one of the first things he was taught in spy school, that the Agency does “not do politics, we collect intelligence off shores by any method and we do covert actions.” Saying, “we do not do policy, we do not do politics.“ Commenting, “I think it is professionally unethical to go out and use your knowledge and your influence, which turns out to be a falsehood.” 

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