Ex-Hillary Clinton strategist Penn says Biden might be still be in the race had ABC moderated the first debate

Former Democrat Strategist Mark Penn calls for an internal investigation of ABC moderators following the partisan referring of former President Donald Trump in recent debate with Vice- President Kamala Harris. Penn says, the performance that ABC moderates gave begs the question of if the process is fair, “I care less about who wins than I care about the process. Because I believe, ultimately, if the process is really fair and people get to see the choices, the voters, over time, will make good decisions.” Going on to say, “let's imagine in that Biden debate in June that those moderators had acted like ABC and let's say they interrupted Trump three or four times and said, ‘you know, that's a lie.’ Biden might not have dropped out, Biden might have been perceived to be the winner of that debate, or at least good enough in that debate, but in that case, the moderators let the two of them have a fair debate, and the public was able to make a a fair conclusion that Biden really wasn't, certainly wasn't up to a second term, let alone the first term. And that's why it is so important that people who are the keepers of these democratic institutions, and the press is on the front lines, give the voters, you know, treat the candidates in an equal, even handed way, so that the voters are seeing the real game, okay, and not a staged wrestling match.”