Ex-Top NSC official: If Biden was applying for a job in CIA, he wouldn't get a clearance,’ over compromising China payments

Joe Biden, Washington, D.C., June 23, 2023

Former NSC Chief of Staff and CIA analyst touches on the level of concern of recent evidence and allegations of money payments of upwards of $10 million sent to members of the Biden family through shell LLC’s. Fleitz says that this is more than just buying a good or services from the family but is “buying influence of a potential future President.” This has been raised recently with regard to Biden’s questionable policies towards China, which would make sense if President Joe Biden and the Biden family were comprised and influenced by being bought by the Chinese Communist Party. Fleitz says that this is not an allegation that should be shrugged off, that the money payments that Joe Biden and Biden family members received raises huge ethical concerns. Saying, “If Joe Biden was applying for a job in the CIA, he wouldn't get a clearance, given all these ethical conflicts and payments from China, because there would be the concern that he might be compromised, he wouldn't be allowed to work for the CIA.”

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