Former Trump Security Adviser Kellogg: Time for US to move from ‘One China policy’, recognize ‘Taiwan’

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Council chief of staff under President Trump and Co-Chairman of the Center for American Security at America First Policy Institute, discusses the Biden Administration’s international policy towards China specifically looking into China’s behavior post-Olympics. Kellogg comments that China cracking down on Taiwan should be a concern to everyone, saying that most people a few year ago said “Hong Kong will be fine”. The General comments that America needs to make a statement and challenge the status quo saying that we’re moving away from the “One China policy”, and acknowledge now that there is a “Two China policy, and we’re going to support Taiwan as an independent country”, and the “rest of the world should support them too and their democratically elected leadership”.

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