Fraternal Order of Police VP slams Biden police speech: Rhetoric is ‘extremely harmful,’ erodes public trust

President Biden

Fraternal Order of Police National Vice President Joe Gamaldi takes aim at President Joe Biden over his recent speech, where he said police officers always shoot with deadly force. Gamaldi comments that Biden’s comments are, “not helpful.” Saying, Biden’s speech is “just inflammatory rhetoric set to get an emotional response from the audience, that is not based in fact.” The Vice President of the largest police union in the United States goes on to explain that, “we know that officers use force to stop a threat, we are not out here purposely trying to use deadly force every single time as [Biden] put it in that speech, and it is extremely harmful to us. It erodes the trust that we're trying to build with our communities when you make comments like that.” Commenting, “and here's another thing that really upsets every single police officer in this country, is that what we're really asking the President to do, is how about you condemn the violence against law enforcement, the historic violence we're seeing, how about you just put out a statement saying it's wrong to shoot a police officer, it's wrong to assault a police officer. It is an extremely low bar to just ask to put out a statement condemning historic violence against law enforcement, and the White House just refuses to do it.”

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