GOP Rep. Rodney Davis: Jake Sullivan has 'no credibility’, Russia-Gate targeting Trump, was 'direct attack on America’, its ‘freedoms’


Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) weighs in on the recent news dropped over the weekend by John Durham exposing the extent of the Clinton campaign spying and concocting the “Russian Collusion” story, saying that “it is absolutely treasonous and should have never happen in a country like ours, somebody needs to go to jail for what they tried to do to President Trump, and anyone associated with him.” The Congressman went on to comment on the credibility of Jake Sullivan, who is the current National Security Adviser to President Biden and a former adviser to Hillary Clinton, saying that not only does he “have a credibility gap”, but Sullivan’s actions “is a direct attack on America and America’s freedoms”. Spying “on a presidential campaign of the other party, creating lies that they know are not true, trying to link Trump to Russia before he was President…these are offenses that need to be investigated.”

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