Jim Jordan slams FBI over use of ‘geofence warrants’: Similar to British general warrants Founders explicitly rejected

Jim Jordan.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan opens an investigation into FBI’s use of “geofence warrants,” a type of broad warrant which seizes all data from everyone using geo-fencing or phone data, by tracking Americans to pinpoint whether any crimes were committed without probable cause. The Ohio Congressman comments that these are similar to “general warrants” in English Law that the Founding Fathers explicitly rejected in the Fourth Amendment of the Constiution.  Jordan says that legislation is being introduced to stop these types of broad warrants saying, for example with “Bank of America, [the FBI] will have to get a warrant to get this information, [the Bank] can’t be just turning it over, there has to be a specific warrant, that is our system, that is what this country was founded on.” Saying, “think about it, would Sam Adam think this is okay? Would John Adams? Would George Washington? Would any of those great Americans who started this experiment in Liberty we call America, the greatest nation ever, would they approve of what we’re seeing?” The Ohio Congressman says Republicans will be pursuing “legislation and frankly will also look at the appropriations process and how we can use the power of the purse, the power of the appropriations” to look at how “American tax dollars” are being spent to influence this. 

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