Kash Patel on security failures at Trump rally decades in the making: Assassin had well thought out plan- where’d he get the idea


Former Trump advisor and federal prosecutor Kash Patel says the Secret Services’ security failures at former President Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally are the result of decades of degradation to our law enforcement and our Constitution. “The American people are owed that truth for what happened and how it happened and the years that led it—not the day or the night,” he says. “You’re talking about a 20-year-old kid who was supposedly bullied in school and no one knows really anything else about him. He didn’t just decide to wake up one night, go get a long range rifle, plan out this very methodical assassination attempt. Something happened along the way and we don’t know.” Additional interviews with US Senator for Alaska Dan Sullivan calling for full transparency and answers from Secret Service days after former President Donald Trump was shot and US Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson on Democrats’ open border policies are enabling a child trafficking business empire. 

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