Key member of House Appropriations says GOP to finish government funding bills by Nov. 17 deadline, despite Speaker delay

Andrew Clyde, March 8, 2022, Washington, D.C.

Rep. Andrew Clyde says that under the leadership of newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, House Republicans are in “a moment where we're not just changing the budgeting process but we're changing the entire trajectory of Congress.” Saying, in Johnson’s first weeks of his Speakership, “we did something that Washington never expected and that was actually paying for something paying for Israel aid. Imagine that, taking $14.3 billion out of the out of an advanced appropriation to the IRS and diverting that money over to pay for that what we are sending to Israel to help them fight the terrorist organization, Hamas. I mean, Washington, lost their mind on that but it was a great first step.” The Georgia Congressman says the House will get the appropriations done by the fast approaching November 17 deadline, though a continuing resolution for conferencing with Senate and President Biden.

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