Liz Wheeler: Biden's lies on inflation, gas not lost on Americans, know results of his 'deliberate political choice’

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House, Oct. 24

Liz Wheeler, host of the ‘Liz Wheeler Show’, discusses the fast-approaching midterm elections and how the current polictical landscape are the results of “deliberate political choice from Biden”. Wheeler comments that this fact is not lost on the American people, regardless of if Presidnet Biden or Democrats choose to acknowledge it. She says, "the American people are a lot smarter than the Biden administration realizes, it doesn't take someone who is a political junkie like I am or a political junkie, like you are, John, to see that on every one of these issues, it’s a result of a deliberate political choice from Biden.” She says that Americans "know that inflation and gas prices are impacted because Joe Biden refuses to be energy independent that he sided with the anti-fossil fuel, 'green lobbyists' and refuse to use our domestic energy supply, therefore, not only rendering us dependent on foreign oil, but also driving up the cost of our energy.” Continuing, "You don't have to be an economist to see that we all see, that every voter in the United States understands that the same with their their racialism and their division, their their assault on parental rights in school, you don't have to be some die-hard conservative to not want your child taught that black people are inherently oppressed because of the color of their skin and white people are inherently oppressors because of the color of their skin. And when the when the Biden administration and the Left lies about that, people aren't stupid, they can see the curriculum that's being taught to their children in school, and they don't want that. The same with this, this new narrative from the Left where they claim, and what Biden said, that what's on the ballot this year is our democracy. He's painting all Republicans as a threat to our democracy and people understand that the left doesn't actually care about political violence.”

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