McDaniel needs to just 'gracefully exit' as RNC boss after midterm flop: Ariz GOP chair

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

Kelli Ward, Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, discusses the path forward for Republicans after disappointing midterm results and election integrity challenges in Arizona. When asked if the RNC has the right leadership, Ward responded that the Republican National Committee’s Chairwoman Rhonda McDaniel “has done, you know, a job and she's done a good job. It's a difficult job. I can tell you at the state level, it's difficult. It's a thankless job at the state level.” Saying, “But I think Ronna told us in January of 2021, that she was not going to run again, that this was her last term, that she wanted to rectify some of the things that happened in 2020. Those things haven't been rectified, they have not been fixed, and I think it's time for change. At the top of the RNC, I think Ronna should gracefully exit and allow someone else to come in and lead this organization.” Ward goes on that, “Instead, [Ronna’s] partnering up with a lot of the people who hate President Trump, to be honest, and to be frank. And I don't think that that's the direction that we want to go in our party. There is a move for many of the establishment, who have had such an iron grip on the Republican Party for so long, to do away with the America First message and do away with people who support making America great again. And I hate to see Ronna, as one or anyone, perpetuating that and putting us back and making us Democrat-like with all the people that we represent want us to be the party of faith, family and freedom, to be the party that supports small government and low taxes, personal responsibility, and following the Constitution. And they want to see that from the top all the way down to every grassroots activist, that exists currently.”

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