Michele Bachmann: Dems 'virtue signaling not received well by the American public,' going to lose big Tuesday

Joe Biden, Washington, D.C., Aug. 24, 2022

Former Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann discusses the importance of the results of the Brazilian election which saw the electing of communist leader Lula da Silva, and what impact the election results coming out of Israel in the coming days and the United States next week will have on the world stage in the future. The former congresswoman comments that this next Tuesday will be a repudiation of the Democrats agenda, saying Americans "don't want one more day of what it is that [Democrats] dishing out because Americans can't afford Joe Biden, that’s the bottom line, they can't afford it, because they're looking at their futures going up in smoke.” She says "people are seeing their their dream of home ownership evaporate, but they're seeing that just something as simple as going to the grocery store is really becoming a depressing event for a family. Buying food is a depressing event and so people just don't trust anymore in the future. And that's the great thing about America, America was always future oriented, how the next generation was going to do better. There's there's kind of a sense of depression, that has fallen on people. So I think people, the referendum is, we don't want this, we want our nation back, give us our nation back. And people aren't going to stand for what's coming out of Washington DC. I think the Democrats are going to find that all of their being cooler than the next guy, their virtue signaling is not being received well by the American public, and they're gonna get slapped next Tuesday pretty hard."

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