Monica Crowley: Time for big spending, ‘compromised’ Mitch McConnell to go

McConnell, Schumer

Monica Crowley, host of the Monica Crowley Podcast, discusses the need for a change in Republican party leadership, and the current state of affairs in America today is the “culmination of decades of communist infiltration in this country, infiltrating and grabbing control over the major pillars of our society and our life.” The former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs comments on the current Republican leadership saying, commenting “I am not supporting Ronna McDaniel,” “we desperately need a change at the top. You're exactly right about the GOP leadership, which happens to be GOP ‘E’ or GOP establishment leadership. The Republican Party right now has establishment folks at the top that do not have our best interests at heart, they are are more than willing to sell America downstream for their own benefit. While, the base is now America first, with or without Donald Trump.” Saying, “the base now is fully America first. And so the disconnect between our leadership and the base and the average Republican voters and not just that, but disaffected Democrats, independent voters who are looking for a change and really want to salvage America. They look at the GOP leadership, and they're like, What is this? They're all in the same boat, and they're all rowing the same direction. So to the extent that we can control it, which is the RNC race.” Crowley comments her “two qualifications now for anybody running for office or republican leadership.” First, “you have to get that the hour is very late in America, you have to understand the nature of the enemy within. And Second, you cannot be in on the destruction of the country and so many of our leaders are in on the destruction of the country, and we've had enough.”

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