Nan Hayworth calls UPenn, MIT, Harvard Heads testimony the result of ‘arrogant left, who fear no consequences’

Rep. Elise Stefanik questions Harvard President Claudine Gay

Former New York Congresswoman and Ivy League graduate Nan Hayworth slams the disastrous testimonies earlier this week by the Presidents of UPenn, MIT, and Harvard concerning the rise in antisemitism on America’s college campuses. The testimonies have since gone viral of Rep. Elise Stefanik asking each of the college presidents if ‘calling for the genocide of Jews’ violates the schools’ code of conduct, to which each one of the Presidents responded, ‘It depends on the context.’ Hayworth says her first thought while watching was, “these are people who fear no consequences,” they have audacity “to find so many ‘thought crimes’ at your great universities, including so-called misgendering people, using the wrong pronouns could result in punishment, conservative speakers are denied access to the audience's at these so-called ‘auguste institutions,’ but it's perfectly fine for people, young people, I guess most of these students, to scream with megaphones at fellow Jewish students, for intifada, and ‘from the river to the sea,’ all the phrases that would under other circumstances would be interpreted not liberally, but according to their actual intent, there’s no benefit of the doubt for the rest of us, but it's alright for these people to do these things because they haven't actually killed anybody yet.”

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