Nigel Farage: Under Biden, America no better ‘than a bad joke’ on world stage

Nigel Farage, British politician and leader of the Brexit Party, speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2020 (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union on February 28, 2020 in National Harbor, MD.

Nigel Farage, Brexit Party leader talks Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent COVID Scandal and Biden’s ‘bad joke’ foreign policy. Farage comments on the recent scandal involving details of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s breaking his own COVID lockdown rules last year, saying that ‘lawmakers cannot ever be seen as lawbreakers’, ‘and this is ‘Boris’s problem’, ‘he’s a cheerleader, not a leader’, great at ‘getting a crowd cheering and making everybody happy’, ‘but when it comes to being a leader, he doesn’t lead by example’. Farage went on to discuss President Biden’s foreign policy appearance by the world, saying in terms of America’s ‘presence on the international stage, and what it says of the leader of the free world being taken seriously, America right now is no better than a bad joke’. 

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