Rep. Andy Biggs extends McCarthy olive branch to avoid government shutdown: Pause ‘non-essential’ spending

House Freedom Caucus chair Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs discusses his solution to Speaker Kevin McCarthy in effort to avoid a government shutdown. His solution to “pause all non-essential” spending would ensure all entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid continue uninterrupted as well as key security, intelligence, border and counterterrorism programs while cutting out portions of agencies and programs like arts and humanities, resdfearch grants, noncritical foreign aid and even some federally funded assistance to illegal aliens inside the country. Former Chairman of House Freedom Caucus says, “so now you're not shutting down the government. You actually are having a pause of non-essential spending is what it really boils down to.” Meaning, “nobody misses Medicare. Nobody misses Social Security. People continue to receive their benefits."

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