Rep. Andy Biggs says that Democrats are trying to annex Ukraine as the next 51st state
Key Member of House Oversight and Judiciary slams Democrats over recent reports and efforts by Democrats and Biden administration to secure a 10-year continued funding package for Ukraine. Biggs remarks, he “didn’t know that the [United States] was trying to annex Ukraine as the 51st state. [The United States] has spent something like 42% of the money is actually gone to the military, to go on target. The rest of it has gone to supply [the Ukrainians] pensions, their farm subsidies, their government operations, a significant portion of it is just gone to the wind, we have no idea where it went, the same with the some of the material. I thought that the Democrat, Republican coalition that that Speaker Johnson put together, I thought they gave us an outrageous product a week or so ago. And I would just tell you, it takes amazing chutzpah on the part of President Zelinsky to come back and say, ‘Oh, we're gonna do this again for 10 years,’ What? What are you talking about?” Additional interview with Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill on her lawsuit against the Biden administration over Title IX.