Rep Austin Scott: With 2024 months away, next speaker must be a leader and have McCarthy-esque fundraising ability

Rep. Austin Scott calls on Congress to get a ‘speaker seated’ so House Republicans to get things done. The Georgia Congressman says, “let's not forget that we should not be in this position, eight Republicans voted with 208 Democrats. Kevin McCarthy is the largest fundraiser we have ever had for House Republicans. We need him. It has been it is now 12 months from the next elections and we have to get a speaker seated, we have to get some things done. And no matter how much money you raise, if you're not able to run the house, you're not going to win elections. And so we both need to get a speaker seated, who can can run the house and can actually go out there and campaign for people and help us win some more seats because a five seat majority is non-governing majority.”