Rep Austin Scott: Biden misled US with border-detention centers, filled with people from Middle East, China, ‘all over the world’

Migrant caravan, Mexico, April 24, 2023

Rep. Austin Scott says Biden administration needs to have an honest conversation with Americans about who they’ve allowed to come across the southern border freely for last three years, as border centers filled with people from Middle East, China, “not just the Western Hemisphere”. The Georgia Congressman says, Vice-President “Kamala Harris is the one that made the borders how they are and then Secretary Mayorkas refuses to acknowledge the problems down there. And if you go down there and you go through and you see the detention centers, people think that these are people that are coming from Mexico, and certainly some of them are, but I'm telling you, when you get down there, and you see who's who's actually in detention, I mean, they're coming from the Middle East, they're coming from China, they're coming from all over the world. Not not just the Western Hemisphere.”

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