Rep. Biggs: Reports of FBI attempts to infiltrate Catholic Church 'shocking,' can’t reform agency must eliminate

House Freedom Caucus chair Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

Arizona GOP Congressman Andy Biggs discusses the ‘shocking’ revelations surrounding allegations that the FBI has tried to infiltrate the Catholic Church. The Congressman comments that in his time in Congress this is “one of the most shocking things that [he’s] seen.” The full extent of which only came out after the initial revelations of the FBI going after “Orthodox people in the Catholic Church, which “in and of itself, a ridiculous indictment by the FBI and it's an it's abrogation of First Amendment rights to worship.” A deeper investigation by Congress into this showed that the FBI “was trying to actually move into, infiltrate, what is their purpose?” Biggs asks, “do they think that the that if you are a an orthodox, believing and practicing Catholics, somehow that's anti-American?” Saying, “and it just gets back to my overarching theory, that the FBI has lost its way, it needs to, actually in my humble opinion, if we're not going to totally defund it, eliminate it. And then, keep only those areas that truly support state and local law enforcement, then you've got to do a wholesale cleaning out of the FBI.” The Congressman goes on to say, and “this is such a disturbing news because you we don't know what the full extent is. But we do know that the DOJ and the FBI were spying, for instance, on parents and school boards too. So how broad does this go? And why is it that they are focusing so much on the religious and on those who have a real sincere interest in preserving the their children's education?”

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