Rep. Bryan Steil: Washington DC is the Democrats ‘petri dish’ for forcing non-citizen voting on the rest of the country

House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil discusses voting laws in Washington D.C., and how Democrats are the using the nation’s capital to force non-citizen voting on the the rest of United States. “It’s really unbelievable when you look at Washington D.C., its using taxpayer dollars their elections board to actually encourage non citizens to vote. So for example, every single mailbox in our nation's capital from my understanding, received a postcard that I have possession of, that actually encourages non-citizens to participate in the upcoming Washington D.C. elections. So again, this is what the left wants to do. They're using Washington D.C., a Democratic run city as their petri dish to simply try to get non-citizens to vote in our elections. What I'm working to do is to prevent non-citizens from voting in our elections, to say that US elections should be for US citizens. To me, this isn't a over the top bill. This is a common sense piece of legislation that should have been been put in place a long time ago. But as we've seen the Democrats test out their model here in our nation's capital. And what we have seen is non-citizens on the voter rolls and states like Pennsylvania, states like Ohio, now is the time to act to make sure that we're preventing non citizens from voting, in particular, in this upcoming presidential election in November,” says Congressman Steil. Additional interview with AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles on the top lines from this week.