Rep. Claudia Tenney: Special counsel Jack Smith, DA Alvin Bragg using new Democrat tactic ‘lawfare’ to smear Republicans

L: Donald Trump, CPAC 2022, R: Alvin Bragg, New York City, Sept. 8, 2022

Rep. Claudia Tenney dishes on new emerging tactic of “lawfare” used by Democrats to smear Republicans through the “use of the legal system.” The New York Congresswoman says,“that means suing, suing, suing, what they're doing to President Trump, bringing lawsuits that are novel theories of things that are really not enforceable.” Tenney says that the conviction is not really what activists are after but “what they do with those is number one, they tarnish President Trump or whoever they're going after, they smear them in the public, they make people not want to vote for them. And the other thing what this really is, many of them are doing this knowingly, and wittingly, that they cannot get a prosecution out of some of these. And so to me, this is malicious prosecution and it's an abuse of process.” Going on to say that these “are legal mechanisms that they should be charged on. And Republicans should be zeroed in on to go after Democrats, particularly this District Attorney down in Georgia, Alvin Bragg in New York, Jack Smith, who's obviously politically charged with what he's doing, all while they turn a blind eye to the obvious crimes that are being committed via Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, bribery directly, money laundering, Joe Biden leveraging his position in order to enrich his family.” 

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