Rep. Comer on Biden family business selling access to Joe Biden, govt for a decade: ‘This is corruption’

Hunter Biden with father Joe Biden

Rep. James Comer discusses last weeks press conference in which the Incoming Republicans of the House Oversight Committee showed the American public evidence of how pervasive President Joe Biden’s knowledge of his sons’ business dealings and how he was also involved. The incoming Oversight Committee chairman comments, “Hunter Biden wasn't manufacturing anything, he wasn't licensed to sell anything, he wasn't licensed to be a legitimate lobbyist or foreign agent. So what was the Biden family business has been is influence peddling, that's what it's been for the past decade. [The Biden’s] have made money off, ‘the family,’ so many emails, and text messages, prove that their whole business model and the reason that any client should pay them money, was to have access to Joe Biden and to have access to government at the highest level. This is wrong. This is corruption.” Comer comments, that “at the very least, the American people need to know that Joe Biden blatantly lied about having any knowledge of Hunters’ business dealings, more so, that he was involved in Hunters’ business dealings, people that [Joe Biden] said he never met, we have pictures of him meeting with them.” The Kentucky Congressman remarks, “this is something I think if the mainstream media spent more time reporting the facts, I think everyone in America would want a credible investigation of any potential wrongdoing, because they need to know and they can make their own judgments. Was Joe Biden compromised by China? Is that why we have an America last energy policy in the United States? Is that why we're having to beg OPEC for more oil production, because he was receiving millions of dollars from China to try to help China start taking ownership in the American energy industry? These are things the American people need to know and then they can base their decisions moving forward on whether, or not, they trust anything out of, not just this White House, but the mainstream media that's been defending Joe and Hunter Biden.”

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