Rep. Jim Jordan: Biden DOJ colluding with liberal groups on elections part of ‘scary pattern’

Merrick Garland

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) discusses the new office of the Department of Homeland Security, the “Disinformation Governance Board”, saying it sounds, “Orwellian, like the Ministry of Truth”. The Ohio Congressman discussing the reports of the Biden Administrations, Department of Justice coordinating with liberal advocacy groups to legally assault Georgia’s election integrity law last year. Saying that this is “part of this scary, scary pattern”, going back to the last fall with the Attorney General issuing a memorandum acting on behalf of the National School Board Association “asking to treat parents as domestic terrorists”. Also giving the example of the recents uncoverings by Special Counsel John Durham, exposing “the Democratic Part working with the FBI”, commenting “seems like each week now we learn something new about this in connection to the Clinton campaign”. 

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