Rep. Roy to GOP voters: Ask your Congressman, why would you write Dems 'blank check to fund tyranny?'

Chip Roy, R-Texas, talks with Democratic Texas State Representative Senfronia Thompson

Rep. Chip Roy sounds the alarm on Republican members of Congress needing to take a stand against the ever-growing federal government and stop giving into Democrats on government spending, leading into the November elections. Roy commenting, why would Republicans “write a blank check, borrow money, print money, tax Americans, to fund the very tyranny and the very bureaucrats that are undermining your liberty? Funding an FBI to go after parents who dare question the school board, funding an IRS that's 85,000 new IRS agents are going to go after small businesses, funding a Department of Homeland Security that are refusing to secure the border.” The Texas Congressman comments, “that's something that every American ought to be asking your Republican representatives, why would you write them a blank check to fund tyranny?”

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