Matt Whitaker: Garland unnecessary appointment of special counsel for Trump docs ‘forced his hand’ for Biden


Matt Whitaker, former U.S. Attorney General discusses Merrick Garlands appointment of special counsel to investigate possible mishandling of classified documents by President Joe Biden back in 2016. Whitaker comments that “this is a huge unforced error by Merrick Garland. He didn't need to appoint a special counsel against Donald Trump. And he stood at the podium at the time, and didn't say the words that he said, I believe, when he appointed the Special Counsel for Biden, in which he said ‘we could handle this internally here at the Department of Justice’, and so what [Garland] did though, is he forced his own hand, and in a really unskillful, judge like manner, where he wasn't thinking through the steps that would happen.” Commenting, “And what makes it even more quizzical to me is that he knew when he appointed the Special Counsel Jack Smith against Donald Trump, that Joe Biden had similar problems with classified document mishandling. So that tells me that they never planned on this Biden mishandling to ever see the light of day they were planning on everybody to play nice, that the mainstream media wouldn't cover it wouldn't hear about it, that it would just kind of never be announced. And then when it came out, he has been scrambling ever since. I think after December 20, when he realized that there were two and now we've hear there's a third tranche of classified documents that have been discovered in Joe Biden's possession. I think he should have gone to the podium then and appointed a special counsel, and the fact that he just did it just this week demonstrates that, [Garland] created his own mess, and now he's gonna have to live with it.”

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