Sen. Mike Braun: Congress ‘spending like drunken sailors’ on borrowed money, using COVID ‘crisis’ to grow ‘federal government’

Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) talks the American budget and deficit spending, saying the Democrats have used the COVID-19 ‘crisis’ to grow ‘the federal government’, as they are ‘loud about if there's a crisis’, and never ‘let's not let it go to waste’. The Senator speaks about the grim look of Congress’s out of control spending, saying ‘we’re spending like drunken sailors’, as the United States is now at ‘$30 trillion in debt’, remarking that in 6 or 7 years, if not sooner, the US will be at ‘$40 trillion in debt’, and ‘nobody seems to care’ in Congress. The Senator explains that the side effects of this spending will ‘embed inflation even deeper into the economy’, raise ‘interest rates’ due to borrowing, the ‘Medicare Trust Fund will be exhausted in about five years’. Senator Braun remarks that Congress does not seem to ‘have the political will to change the entitlements that drive the structural deficits’.