Small businesses already suffering from devastating effects of pandemic, can’t ‘fathom being vaccine police’, says Job Creators Network CEO 


Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network discusses filing a lawsuit on behalf of Gary Rabine, a small-business owner, last Thursday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit against the Biden Administration after, a mandatory federal vaccine requirement would force employers with more than 100 workers to ensure that all employees are either fully vaccinated or submit to weekly testing and mask wearing. Ortiz and Rabine both comment that a responsibility they feel in filing this lawsuit, as ‘everyone has walked away from small businesses’, since there ‘is ‘not much money in lobbying’ for them. It is noteworthy, that Federal Courts have since delayed the federal vaccine requirement. Ortiz explains that small businesses have payed the price, after the pandemic has left business with ‘supply shortages’, ‘lack of employment’ and other devastating effects, small businesses can’t now ‘fathom being vaccine police across the country’, as well. 

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