Tim Stewart: Biden’s Natural Gas export pause further damages America’s international reputation with allies

Tribal Nations Summit

U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart says President Joe Biden’s pause on liquified natural gas export permits hurts America's trade reputation with its European and Asian allies. “We’re not reliable international security partners if we’re putting them at risk...But the other problem is it forces these countries to look elsewhere,” Stewart says. “They’re going to look to the Middle East, they’re going to look to other countries with less stellar environmental records to produce natural gas and buy their LNG.” Additional interviews with: Director of the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation Mike Howell highlighting the latest investigations into the Biden family specifically Hunter Biden’s business dealings, AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles on Judicial activism not only bad for America’s political institutions but bad for the country as a whole, and Just the News Reporter Natalia Mittelstadt on news of the week and her reporting on the 14 provisions that the Honest Elections Project suggested for states to adopt before the 2024 elections. 


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