Trump Deputy Drug Czar: Biden’s open border benefits drug cartels, China in manufacturing fentanyl crisis in US

Federal agents next to seized drugs including marijuana, Florida, Nov. 2021

Art Kleinschmidt, former Deputy Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, discusses the Fentanyl Crisis that is plaguing the United States. The former Deputy Drug Czar discusses how the cultural shift towards the perception of drugs and drug usage has only dramtically increased drug usage. Kleinschmidt discusses how progressive cities drug politices like “safe injection sites,” in effort to desitigmitizing drugs has only exacerbated the problem by “promoting actual drug usage.” Saying, especially cities campaigns towards 'safe ways' to use drugs like fentanyl, commenting “there is really no safe way to do fentanyl.” Kleinschmidt also comments on that China and the drug cartels are seemingly working alongside one another by, “China shipping chemicals” to drug cartels who then “assemble them” and bring them up through the open southern border. Commenting, "this is the first time in my lifetime," that "something dangerous and illegal” is "actually being promoted almost within this country."

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