U.S. won't 'confirm nor deny' role in calling Wuhan COVID lab leak a conspiracy, says whistleblower group

Anthony Fauci, May 11

Frank Wuco, Executive Director of the Whistleblower Protection Program (WPP), discusses the important role that his organization is playing in bringing transparancy and awareness to federal agencies. The former senior White House adviser to the United States Department of Homeland Security, discusses WPP recent request to find out how deepely involved the U.S. government was in the events of “perpetuating the natural origin story” of COVID-19 and the impossibility of it being “leaked from a lab.” The Intelligence agency responding to the request that they could "neither confirm nor deny the existence of the documents we’d requested.” Wuco comments that, "there’s no compelling national security need to deny that information to the public but there is compelling political or bureaucratic embarrassment need, and that is very disturbing, and we intend to keep shaking that out.”

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